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UK News

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Free British Steel completes maintenance at Teesside beam mill

Free UK Steel: National Wealth Fund to be significant in rebuilding steelmaking

Free UK-based ASD Limited enhances product range with new acquisition

Free New UK government seeks job guarantees for Tata Steel UK’s Port Talbot plant

Free UK Steel: Current electricity costs weigh down local steel industry

Free UK workers’ union calls off strike against Tata Steel UK

Free UK extends safeguard measures on 15 steel product categories until June 2026

Free British Steel applies for government support to decarbonize steel plants

Free UK Steel: New government projects should use local steel

Free Tata Steel considers early shutdown of UK operations amid strike threat

Free Tata Steel UK to continue modernization of Port Talbot despite political uncertainties

Free UK Steel calls for policy support to boost competitiveness of steel industry

Free Tata Steel UK to invest in pipe production with funds from land sale

Free UK steelworkers continue to protest job cuts at Tata Steel UK

Free Tata Steel UK to construct energy infrastructure at Port Talbot

Free British Steel to supply rails for high-speed electric railway in Turkey

Free Liberty Steel to mothball merchant bar plant

Free UK reviews AD and CVD measures on organic coated steel from China

Free UK public projects will need more than 8 million mt of steel in coming years

Free Liberty Steel to restructure steel operations in UK

Free UK launches consultation process for CBAM

Free Corinth Pipeworks to supply offshore pipeline to North Sea

Free Tata Steel announces closure of coke ovens at Port Talbot mill in UK

Free Liberty Pipes Hartlepool to supply line pipes for energy infrastructure development project

Free UK abandons key reforms to deliver lower electricity prices for steel industry

Free UK’S TRA proposes safeguard extension for 15 steel product categories for further two years

Free Trade unions call on GFG to be fully transparent amid concerns over European capacities

Free UK may temporarily allow duty-free HRC imports amid expected lower domestic output

Free UK competition authority finds proposed subsidy for Tata Steel UK favorable for UK’s transition

Free UK’S TRA proposes extension of AD duties on corrosion-resistant steel from China

Free UK extends suspension of safeguard on Ukrainian imports until 2029

Free UK Steel: EAF transition no longer expected to limit steel industry’s product ranges

Free Tata Steel UK expected to cut jobs at Port Talbot starting from April

Free BMRA: UK’s scrap export restrictions will have negative impacts on prices

Free UK competition authority to examine proposed subsidy for Tata Steel UK

Free UK Steel: Implementation of CBAM one year after EU creates risks for UK’s decarbonization

Free UK to impose carbon levy on steel imports by 2027

Free Liberty Steel and UAE’s AD Ports Group cooperate on high-quality magnetite ore imports

Free UK Steel seeks limits on scrap exports amid decarbonization efforts

Free UK fails to announce timetable for its CBAM

Free UK Steel: UK steel producers face higher electricity prices than competitors

Free UK plans to introduce carbon tax in 2026

Free EU to allocate TRQs for five products from UK to N. Ireland

Free UK suspends AD duties on HRC from Iran and Russia

Free British Steel to build two EAFs at Scunthorpe and Teesside plants

Free Tata Steel delays announcement on job cuts at Port Talbot

Free British Steel to switch to EAF-based production from BFs

Free Tata Steel UK and Gestamp collaborate to nearly double recycled steel content

Free Liberty Steel gets EC approval for acquisition of Hungary’s Dunaferr

Free Tata Steel secures £500 million UK government funding for decarbonization of Port Talbot

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