The European Commission has announced that it has initiated an antidumping duty (AD) investigation against bulb flat from Turkey and China.
The investigation was launched upon the complaint by Spain-based Laminados Losal, alleging that imports of bulb flat originating in Turkey and China are being dumped and providing evidence that imports of the given products from the countries have increased in terms of market share. The investigation will cover the period between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2022. The examination of trends relevant for the assessment of injury will cover the period from January 1, 2019, to the end of the investigation period.
The provisional measures are expected to be announced within seven months.
The products subject to antidumping duty investigation are non-alloy steel bulb flat in a range up to 204 mm in width and currently fall under Customs Tariff Statistics Position Number 7216.50.91.