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Chile approves temporary tariff to protect against Chinese steel imports

Tuesday, 23 April 2024 20:27:24 (GMT+3)   |   Sao Paulo

The Chilean government announced the imposition of temporary import tariff for some steel products originated from China.

According to the announcement, Chinese steel balls for grinding mills will be subject to a 33.5 percent import tariff, while Chinese rebars will be subject to a 24.9 percent import tariff, both valid for the next six months.

The higher import tariffs were asked by Siderúrgica Huachipato, CSH, the steel producer of the CAP group, under allegations of dumping prices in the imports of steel products from China.

CSH is currently in a process of halting steel production activities, under allegations that it could not compete with the Chinese imports at dumping prices.

Earlier in this month, the Chilean government approved higher steel tariffs for the Chinese steel products, which were considered as not sufficient by CSH.

According to the local press, CSH has resumed its steel production activities, soon after the announcement of the new tariffs.

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