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US HDG imports down 2.8 percent in September

Thursday, 29 October 2020 10:14:16 (GMT+3)   |   San Diego

According to preliminary census data from the US Department of Commerce, US imports of hot dipped galvanized sheet and strip (HDG) totaled 173,010 mt in September 2020, up 9.8 percent from August and down 2.8 percent from September 2019 levels. By value, HDG imports totaled $153.8 million in September 2020, compared to $146.9 million in the previous month and $181.7 million in the same month last year.

The US imported the most HDG from Canada in September, with 83,373 mt, compared to 84,654 mt in August and 87,812 mt in September 2019. Other top sources of imported HDG in September include Taiwan, with 19,683 mt; South Africa, with 19,086 mt; Mexico, with 11,512 mt; and UAE, with 9,462 mt.

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