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MMK eyes steel output of 15 million mt by 2013

Monday, 22 October 2007 13:20:02 (GMT+3)   |  

Mr. Victor Rashnikov, chairman of the Russian steel producer Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), has revealed his company's plans to produce an annual 15 million metric tons of finished steel products by 2013.

Currently, MMK is the largest Russian producer for several types of high value added steel products. However, Mr. Rashnikov stated, "Today, the company is not interested in a simple increase in sales; therefore the key task for its future growth becomes the development of further processing of metal".

At present, MMK is constructing its second HDG line which will have a designed annual production capacity of 450,000 metric tons, and also plans to undertake preparations for the construction of a second pre-painted steel line.

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