Gindalbie ships over 2.7 million mt of iron ore from Karara so far

Wednesday, 03 April 2013 15:29:29 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul

Australia-based iron ore producer Gindalbie Metals Limited (Gindalbie) has announced that it has shipped over 2.7 million mt of iron ore through the Karara export terminal at Geraldton Port in Western Australia since the startup of its Karara iron ore project in October 2012.
According to Gindalbie's statement, the Karara concentrator plant is currently operating at 70 percent of its nameplate capacity which is 8 million mt per year. The plant is expected to reach full capacity by the end of this month.
Gindalbie also stated that the officially opening of the Karara iron ore project will take place on April 9. The Karara project is now the largest exporter through Geraldton Port, and charters more Panamax vessels than any other Australian-based company.

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