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Basic Information
Trust on Rolling

Gamma Rolls Steel Limited, an industrial engineering and steel casting company located in Istanbul Turkey, is Rolling Mill Roll and Crusher Mill Components supplier for the mills and project companies. Our priority is to fulfill entire technical requirements in respect to life-term and performance criterias therefore providing satisfactory for most involved technical staff in roll shop of the mills, crusher unites of cement mills and mining areas and also such heavy duty industrial applications. Every single part produced in accordance with ISO standarts is controlled by certificated personal starting from simulating of casting stages, chemical composition, ultrasonic tests, dimensional, bending and strength controls. The entire production period is scheduled according to the dates of delivery which is agreed mutually, covering shipment period till arrival of the goods to the plant.


Roll Manufacturer

3000 mton

2016 USD 5.000.001 - 50.000.000


2014 ISO 9001 EN