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Slovakia's greenhouse gas emissions quota reduced

Wednesday, 12 January 2005 16:31:01 (GMT+3)   |  

Slovakia’s greenhouse gas emissions quota reduced

In Slovakia, representatives of 17 large corporations and the Federation of Employers' Association have demanded government to take measures against the European Commission's limits on the production of greenhouse gases. The demand came at the end of a meeting in Kosice that brought together firms, which produce 78% of the carbon dioxide emitted by Slovakia. The European Commission reduced Slovakia's previous annual quota by 14% to 106.5 megatons in October. It is reported that this reduction, which is 20% below than the Slovakia's allowance under Kyoto Protocol, will damage the Slovak economy. Under the terms of the Kyoto Protocol, the government of each country that signs the pact is allocated a predetermined amount of gas emissions. The President of US Steel Kosice (USSK) accuses the Ministry of Environment for failing to consult with the Finance and Economy Ministries about the reduction and the Slovak government for failing to take advantage of the sixty-day period allowed for appeals. USSK has contravened to the European Commission's decision and started a legal challenge in the European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg. USSK also invited other companies and even the government to join this move.