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Vietnam launches sunset review on imports of CR stainless steel from four countries

Wednesday, 01 November 2023 14:37:22 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul

Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) has announced that it has launched a sunset review regarding the antidumping (AD) duty on cold rolled stainless steel products from Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia and China.

The AD duty on the products in question was originally imposed in October 2014. Additionally, in 2019 the ministry had extended the duration of duty for another five years.

The review aims to assess the impact of the AD duty to determine whether a revocation or continuation will be necessary.

The domestic market has recovered from previous substantial damages since the introduction of the AD duty from October 2014, though the growth rate has been unstable and tends to plateau or decrease slightly.

The products in question currently fall under Customs Tariff Statistics Position Numbers 7219.32.00, 7219.33.00, 7219.34.00, 7219.35.00, 7219.90.00, 7220.20.10, 7220.20.90, 7220.90.10, and 7220.90.90.

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