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Japan’s domestic steel product orders down 16 percent in August

Tuesday, 13 October 2009 11:24:04 (GMT+3)   |  

According to the data released by the Japan Iron and Steel Association, steel product orders, including specialty steels, booked by domestic steel consuming sectors in August this year amounted to 6.52 million metric tons, decreasing by six percent compared to July and down 16 percent year on year.

In August, steel products orders in Japan, including specialty steels, booked by the domestic construction sector decreased by 0.27 percent compared to July, to 894,250 metric tons, while the year-on-year decrease was 17.36 percent. Meanwhile, steel product orders booked by the Japanese automotive sector reached 1.04 million metric tons, decreasing by 0.96 percent compared to July and down 25.73 percent year on year. Finally, Japan's shipbuilding industry booked 427,050 metric tons of steel products during the month in question, down 7.19 percent month on month and 8.49 percent year on year.

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